Find an Escaped Pet in the House

Find an Escaped Pet in the House

From Lianne McLeod, DVM,

Here's How:
  1. Start your search near the cage and go from there.
  2. Check behind furniture along the baseboards.
  3. Check under the furniture.
  4. Check inside cabinets, drawers, shelves and bookcases. Check behind, in, and under any items in these places.
  5. Remove cushions from couches and chairs, and check down the sides and back of the furniture.
  6. Check the underside of furniture and beds for any holes through which a creature could climb inside the furniture/bed.
  7. Check inside any boxes you have around the house, including tissue boxes.
  8. Look inside any backpacks, purses, or other bags.
  9. Look in boots and shoes, or any other small, dark hiding places you can think of.
  10. Check the undersides and backs of appliances for holes your pet could have climbed into.
  11. Make sure cage is left open, and place favorite treat or food around and in cage.
  12. Place foil around the room (or crinkly plastic) in potential hiding places so you can hear your pet moving around.
  13. Sprinkle some flour on the floor in areas where you suspect your pet might be hiding - you might get a set of footprints to help you.

Find an Escaped Pet in the House


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