This is one pretty old snake...
Candoia bibroni ssp.
Fiji Island Boa
LIT.e 16 Years, 11 Months. Male, acquired date unknown as an adult. Wild bred. Still living. At DALT in Snider 1992."
Snider, Andrew, and Bowler, K.,
Longevity of Reptiles and Amphibians in North
American Collections, 2nd ed.
1992 S.S.A.R
This longevity page is a link from Frank and Kate's Home Page which contains additional items of herpetological interest and
Breeding Home Page - .
Our interest is in the long term maintenance and breeding of reptiles and amphibians in captivity. We plan to provide you with longevity records for all species of reptile or amphibian. In our book we only have room to list the top two longevity records. Here on the web we can list many more. Because the records span over many years and because some wish to remain anonymous, a few of the addresses and phones may be out of date.
This is a long-term ongoing project. We need more information to update these records to the levels where they should be. If you have any animals which you feel might be a record, please let us know We hope more private collectors will respond when they see the advantages of collected information as is presented here. Your information, can be included. We have recently changed our policy on listing of names and addresses. Please send in your information and encourage others you know to also list.
It is important to know a couple of quick things for these pages to make sense. Indexes are by genus. The data, listed by species, with the the code (name and/or address) and then the number of years, months, date acquired, wild or captive born, adult or juvenile, sex, and living or dead.
If you are having trouble keeping track of your animals you might be interested in our software program Animal TRACKS. Tracks has been running since 1986 and will manage any type of animal collection.
We solicitet your feedback for what works, what doesn't work, or comments about how this web page should work.
Please send us e-mail : our address is: or FAX 206 546 2912