Snake release

A beautiful large female Fiji Boa was brought in to Nature Fiji, a local nature conservation society, rescued from a development site in the forests of Viti Levu Island (the main island of Fiji).

We photographed her, checked that she had not been hurt in the capture (she hadn't, so kudos to those who picked her up), and (I have to admit with considerable reluctance on my part and very active encouragement on Stuart's part) released her into another forested area not currently threatened by development.

She is VERY dark, almost black in her main patterns, and has the black belly stripe we are starting to see is a characteristic of the Viti Levu Island snakes. She was also quite fat, so may have just eaten or may be about to give birth - either way we hope she (and her offspring) will do well in their new undisturbed home!


Anonymous said…
I always find your blog an interesting read and subscribe via RSS. I have a Candoia bibroni australis and found your blog while trying to find information on breeding and gestation of the species, which is few and far between.

I've had my female Cba for just over a year and it's clear that she had bred sometime before I acquired her, so now I patiently await the pitter-patter of little australis feet around the house.

Because information is so hard to find on this species, I am tracking the progress on one of my own web pages. Please feel free to have a look..I think you'll find that it's an interesting read also :)

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