Babies anytime soon......

It is now between 6 and 7 months since Thomasina was bred, and as she has put on more than 1Kg (almost twice her body weight), and stopped eating, we think she may be close to giving birth.

Here's a brief run down of her pregnancy:

Date and measurements


Months after mating

14 Oct 2009

(2m long, 1.5 Kg)

Put in with 2 males,
mating began immediately


7 November 2009

Removed from males

0.75 (3 weeks)

15.Jan 2010 (1.75 Kg)

Putting on weight,
feeding weekly on geckos, chicken portions, rats/mice

2 to 3 months

Late Feb


17 April 2010

Last accepted food,
started fasting after this

5 to 6 months

15.May 2010 (2.7 Kg)

(getting ready to shed)

6 to 7 months

Reading suggests that Candoia bibroni bibroni may be pregnant for 7 to 9 months before giving birth, but there aren't too many records, so we are preparing now.

I've been drying moss and ferns from the garden and prepared a nesting bed with hide boxes for babies. So far she has not been very impressed with this, and has been ignoring it, lying instead on her normal newspaper under a log hide.

I'm also trying to make her enclosure escape proof - not so easy, as the babies I have seen before have been tiny and just might be able to make it through the plastic mesh of the sides. So I've been attaching soft mosquito netting to the panels, just to be sure.

She's "in blue" right now, showing cloudy eyes getting ready to shed, so she wouldn't be very active anyway, but she's been sitting in one corner of her tank for the last month, not moving around much and can't really coil up tightly any more. I hope for her sake it won't be much longer - she just doesn't look comfortable.


Anonymous said…
I hope the ideal of a pre-birth slough works-out better for you than it has for me!

My C.b.australis has had unusual timing with her sheds since she's gravid. Normally, her sheds are about 5-6 months apart. What I thought was a pre-birth moult was followed by a 2nd moult only two months later, and still nothing. I wish moulting was a reliable indicator with Candoia :(

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