Snake handling for local vets

In Fiji there's not a lot of demand for veterinary services for reptiles, but our local vets at  Vet Essentials Animal Doctors Climic in Lami have been really helpful when we have needed assistance. If you're in Fiji with an animal problem, give them a call.
(tel 360 2153, 

They don't have a specialist reptile vet, and many of them had no experience handling or treating snakes, so we took our scaly set in for a visit. Unfortunately Rifraf disgraced himself by biting the first vet to hold him, but thankfully vets are not phased by little bites, and no harm was done (except to Rifraf's reputation).

Here are photos of our serene matriarch, Mazikeen, who thankfully has much better manners,  introducing the vets and vet assistants to the joys of snake handling.

Introducing Mazikeen
Getting confident enough for photos

Sometimes it's a bit of a wrestling match

Portraits with the lady of our bunch


Unknown said…
Barajah breeder on fauna classifieds was selling me a retic and I asked for pics and he send me pictures of a bermese python!!!!!

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