Really Big Lizards

Really Big Lizards

Be the first person on your block to own a DINOSAUR

Pterodactyl Eggs

Iguanadon Eggs

Velociraptor Eggs
Using techniques and technologies popularized in the fictional book and movie Jurrasic Park, Really Big Lizards has actually cracked the genetic code and begun limited commercial breeding of a select variety of prehistoric animals. We will have a small number of breeder pairs of animals available in the spring of 2008. Please review our pricing and availability below:

Flying Dinosaurs
These animals must be kept in a suitable aviary made of sturdy materials. Wingspans of some specimens may attain 8-10 meters.

  • Archaeopteryx - Expected 2008 - $10,000 per pair
  • Pteranodon - Expected 2008 - $35,000 per pair
  • Pterodactyl (Texas ssp) - Available Now - $25,000 per pair
Herbivorous Dinosaurs
These animals will require a large grazing area and tall sturdy fencing. May be fed on most american grasses and plants.
  • Ankylosaurus - Expected 2010 - $15,000 per pair
  • Apatosaurus - Expected 2008 - $35,000 per pair
  • Brachiosaurus - Expected 2012 - $35,000 per pair
  • Brontosaurus - Expected 2009 - $40,000 per pair
  • Diplodocus - Expected 2009 - $35,000 per pair
  • Iguanodon - Available Now - $100 per pair
  • Protoceratops - Expected 2011 - $15,000 per pair
  • Stegosaurus - Expected 2012 - $22,000 per pair
  • Triceratops - Available Now - $20,000 per pair
Aquatic Dinosaurs
Please note that these animals require extensive tankage facilities for proper care and maintenance. All specimens shipped in temperature controlled shipping tank requiring a $5000 deposit, returnable upon return of container.

  • Ichthyosaurs - Expected 2009 - $20,000 per pair *
  • Plesiosaurs - Expected 2009 - $30,000 per pair *
    * May not be shipped to Scotland
Carnivorous Dinosaurs
May be kept in smaller enclosures than herbivores, but will require large quanities of either live or frozen feeder animals.
  • Allosaurus - Expected 2010 - $20,000 per pair
  • Dimetrodon - Expected 2008 - $10,000 per pair
  • Dromaeosaurus - Expected 2009 - $20,000 per pair
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex - Expected 2011 - $45,000 per pair
  • Spinosaurus - Expected 2009 - $15,000 per pair
  • Velociraptor - Available Now!!! - $10,000 per pair

Tools and Supplies

  • Mite Spray - 55 Gallon Drum - $700
  • Worming Paste - 55 Gallon Tube - $900
  • "Piggy" Pump - For picky Feeders - $500
  • 22 Foot Steel "Travel" Cage - for pets on the go - $19.995.95
  • Set of 8 foot stainless steel sexing probes(5) - $220
  • 20 Foot Feeding Tongs - $350
  • ZooMed Iguanadon Food - 50lb Bags - $100
All animals are shipped after established and feeding. Really Big Lizards Inc. is not responsible for the actions of your specimens upon delivery. Injuries, disfigurements, maulings and fatalities may occur if improper care or housing is attempted. All animals shipped with live on arrival guarantee and can be shipped via Air Cargo, Sea Cargo, or USPS Priority Mail based on weight per metric ton per mile, please call for a quote. All animal purchases include detailed care guide and emergency contact list.

Buying a dinosaur is a serious investment and these are not "throwaway" pets. We recommend that anyone considering purchasing a dinosaur, especially a large predator, please spend some time investigating their purchase. Their is nothing worse than having to explain to the local animal control why all the neigborhood cats, dogs, cows, paperboys, and UPS trucks keep disappearing around your house. It is up to YOU to verify that your within all local, state, federal and international regulations, laws, covenants, and licensing.

Please Note: All prices are now quoted in Canadian dollars due to the economy. Additionally we are not responsible for any fuel surcharges, delivery costs, or accidental death or dismemberment. Really Big Lizards,Inc. is a division of AprilFirst BioEngineering Please contact our sales department for a price quote.


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